Why are women punished for amazing sex with infections?

embedCode=V3aG5hMjE6KI-TQaDnE6yuxD812d32hd&pbid=6233f5fb56044b649b50dde3c5893e9d” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen> Most women know the drill: Pee after sex, or else you’ll get a terrible infection. But is this guidance based on an old wives …

Why does amazing sex often lead to awful infections?

Most women know the drill: Pee after sex, or else you’ll get a terrible infection. But is this guidance based on an old wives’ tale or is it grounded in medical science? Cleo Stiller investigates—and gives you the final verdict.

What Sex Feels Like For Men

We’ve all thought about it before . . . what does sex feel like for the men in our lives? Well, our friends over at YourTango got the inside scoop from real men. Real guys tell all . . . and it’s not what you’d expect. What does amazing sex feel like for men?